

Cellulite is a common problem. Our Dermal fillers, Sculptra® or Radiesse®, stimulate your body’s natural production of collagen, which helps smooth the skin and diminish the cellulite.

What To Expect During Treatment

Once your appearance plan is established, we will make a series of carefully targeted injections into areas of the legs to diminish the appearance of cellulite, leaving behind a smooth and firmer appearance. Discomfort is minimal. After waiting a few minutes in our office, you can resume your daily routine. You may notice some redness or swelling in the areas treated, but these will go away quickly.

What Results Are Expected?

Dermal fillers stimulate the production of collagen.  So, you will only notice some improvement immediately.  It will take a couple of weeks for the treatment to produce the fully desired results. Stimulation with the right filler can be long-lasting, from 6 months to 2 years. 

women getting cellulite treatment